The building of the Police High School, now Basic Police Training Centre in Sremska Kamenica was built in 1848 as “Cadet School” for training and education of military-police cadre of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The size of 7.000 square meters and the building stories placed the building among the biggest facilities built at that time in Novi Sad area. Base of the facility is in the form of the Cyrillic letter Ш, with short yard wings. Indoor is used as administration building, with lobbies in line.

16 hectare park surrounds the facility. Building was built in the Romanticism style and preserved in original form; however the author of the project remains unknown. The building was used by the Austrian authorities during the 19 century. Immediately after the construction the building was used as Military Pioneer School of the Austro- Hungarian Empire.

From 1869 to 1895 the facility was used as Silk Factory and as “Finance Officer Training Camp”, while from 1895 the so called “Cadet Shelter” moved form Osijek and was open till fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After the establishment of the Yugoslav Kingdom the building transferred to state owned. Till 1941 the building was used by Gendarmerie School for training of officers, lieutenant colonels, and gendarmerie.

During the occupation in the Second World War, the building was used as the Ustash School for training of engineer units – lieutenant colonels (a.k.a. Opkopari). During the final wartime operations, in the building the Partisan Emergency Hospital was stationed, and afterwards the School for Lieutenant Colonels of KNOJ.

Militia education

From 1946 to 1955 the facility was used for education of colonels and lieutenant colonels of the Ministry of Interior Affairs of the Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia. State secretariat of the Interior Affairs of the Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia decided to close the school and establish School for Commander of Station for the needs of the entire country.

The school was closed down in 1959, while the School for lieutenant colonels of the State Militia was formed and existed till 1964.

From 1964 to 1967, the facility was taken over with the entire inventory by the Republican Secretariat of the Interior Affairs of the Socials Republic of Serbia and established Professional School for Militia for education of the militia probationers.

The Police High School


The Socialist Republic of Serbia Assembly on the 12th July 1967 session adopted the Law on the Police High School in Sremska Kamenica. Sremska Kamenica became the centre for education and training of the public security cadre.

First cadets

In September 1967 the firs class of cadets enrolled. Program, from the start, included vocational and general education subject matters.

Story was told by the first principle of the school Mr. Nikola Grubor: “Students had chance to learn everything that they needed. The ones, who could not swim, were sent for 10 day training during the winter break in Kopar. We went for skiing in Kranjska Gora. We were fully equipped. We started the driving lesson right away”.


The education reforms in Serbia have influenced the reforms in our School. During the 9 class a transformation from four to two year system of education took place. First nine classes of the generation enrolled in 1975. When they graduated the second year in 1977, few more classes were enrolled based on the new two year system of education. Therefore, the second intake of the 9th class completed third and fourth class. By the so called ‘general secondary education system’ (in Serbian language the term is Usmereno obrazovanje – education system present for ten years in Yugoslavia) that was two year long, all the generation were educated up to 1988. The 21st class was enrolled by the four year system of education.

The overall education work in the School was conducted in line with the Ministry of education system for all high schools in line with the Curriculum for General education and Vocational education subject matters.

During the four years of education, 15 general education subject matters were at the table: Serbian language and literature, Foreign language (English and German), History, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Math, Informatics, Sociology, Philosophy, General Physical Education, Music, Art, Defense.

Nine General vocational subject matters: Law, Penal Law, Penal Proceeding Law, Administrative Law, Informatics in interior affairs, First Aid and Forensics, Constitution and the Rights of Citizens, Psychology, Typing.

Apart from listed subject matters, the students of Police High School have studied five vocational subject matters: Rules and Regulations of Service in the internal affairs, Crime Investigation Science, State Security, Informatics and Communication in the MoI, and Special Physical training.

From 2002/2003 International law, Philosophy and Police ethics, Religious and Civic education were introduced as subject matters (as optional subject matters). Manners as a subject matter were introduced in the program. The foreign language number of hours has also increased in 2002/2003, from two to three hours per week.

Outside the classrooms – extracurricular

The school provides many opportunities for sports, music, skiing, acting, photography, journalism… More than 75 % of students participate in extracurricular activities.

School yard


Матуранти 37. класе

The school facility was initially surrounded by 16 hectare of park. Today at more than 14 hectare many different facilities are built.

During 2000 the construction of the sports hall restaurant has been finalized. The ground floor of the school’s main building has been refurbished. Once the dining room and the kitchen were situated there, and now a beautiful hall, Students club is situated were many seminars, exhibitions and similar shows take place.

Thousands of students

ica, in the old school building and also in the new Centre, with new classrooms and dormitories, the first generation of basic police training based on new Curriculum was welcomed.

Old and New

In the fall of 2007 in Sremska Kamenica, in the old school building and also in the new Centre, with new classrooms and dormitories, the first generation of basic police training based on new Curriculum was welcomed.